Just trying to make it through the day alive.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Post- Baby Body Nightmare

Alright people here it is- the topic every mommy blog talks about- your bod post-pregnancy.

I used to consider myself very healthy, don't smoke, don't really drink, workout often, eat alot of salad. All of these things combined culminated into my pre-pregnancy self. After I had Finley I easily got back to my fairly good looking while naked bod. After Cooper it has been a different story entirely.

I don't know how to pinpoint it really. Maybe I'm just too tired to really try. Now I'm not trying to compare myself to anyone but my old self. I know I look ok on the outside ( did I just give myself a compliment?) Well I think I look pretty good after having 2 kids in 3 years- but underneath the clothes (black sweat pants, Ryan's t) it doesn't look so good. I do not like wearing jeans anymore because I don't like the feeling of my large ass busting at the seams- my hips have stretched to the max and I'm guessing they have no intention of returning to normal in this life time.

Pregnancy and Child-Birth changes you. My perfectly perky 34B's are no way the same boobs they used to be- They are A-....I never even thought I cared about my ladies until they weren't there anymore. Do any of you feel my pain? Do I hear an Amen??

I just dont have the discipline anymore to eat air popped popcorn, spinach salad, and lots of fiber. I rather eat SmartFood popcorn- Have you tried this ?? It is amazing and everytime I go to the grocery store I leave with a bag and eat the whole thing within a few hours. Should I be bragging about this?? I think not.

It doesn't help when your husband is hott. He likes to workout and has large muscular shoulders and a small waist - he even has those muscle lines that go into his pants ( don't know what these are called) am I being too graphic? I apologize. But when you've got a husband that looks like that- let's just say its hard to be fat.

Now I'm going to go eat the rest of the bag of popcorn.


  1. You are beautiful and when you came into town I thought you looked FABULOUS! And I think you are in no way FAT. I will give you changed, but absolutely will not give you FAT. But I know even changed is a hard pill to swallow. Love you!

  2. I feel your pain. Just the other day someone asked me if I was pregnant again! 9 months later! I said no, I'm just bloated you ass!

  3. You look great! I don't care how many kids you have! It's been 3 years and I'm still trying to lose it...not that this info helps you, but chasing after 2 toddlers counts for excercise!!

  4. Laci, when I look at you I see a beautiful mother. I know that we are all our worst critic. But when I look at you and your post baby body I am inspired. In fact I was just telling my mom yesterday that I hope I do as well you at getting back into shape after baby Bun gets here.

  5. AMEN!!!!.....and I've only had ONE!! I miss you Laci! P.S. I think you look great!
