Just trying to make it through the day alive.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I did my hair.

As I got older ( like I'm so old at a ripe age of 25) - I did my hair less frequently. During college I was too busy with nursing school and homework ( little good that did me) . My hair just kept falling in my list of priorities. When I met Ryan I religiously did my hair everyday- I mean common you've got to impresses and dazzle to catch them, right?

This leads to the other night when I asked my dear husband what length he liked my hair, his response, " The length that you do it." Wow. That is sad- he doesnt expects much but maybe once in a while I could slip out of my black sweat pants that I love so much ( so much in fact that I'm wearing them as I type this). I usually wear these with a matching long tshirt of my husbands. The same shirts that I repeatedly wore while breastfeeding and have lovely dried stains to match.

Ok. Ok. So maybe it has been a little too long to drag on the I'm just to tired and busy to get myself together. So today I'm vowing to try (not promise) to do my hair and wear it down 2 times a week. Hold me to it people. If I can do that I can do anything! I have also posted a picture of what it actually looks like worn down- weird right? Headband courtesy of sasablue on etsy.

Just so you all know - last night Ryan and I went out for dinner without the kiddos- which is always a weird thing to actually eat and talk to one another. I did my hair and wore makeup and put on a dress. I should get an award.

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