Just trying to make it through the day alive.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Another year- Another party.

Last night I threw a 3 year old Spiderman themed birthday bash. Let me say it again- Last night I threw a 3 year old Spiderman themed birthday bash. Now you can feel bad for me.

This was the first year that I had to throw 2 parties in 2 months for my 2 crazies. I may or may not have gone a little overboard on my spiderman decor/ cake/ and vintage candy bar. I felt like this birthday- at the ripe old age of 3 should be something that little Finley should and BETTER remember. If he doesn't I will show him lots of pictures of all the "slaving away" mommy did just for him.

But let's all be honest- kids birthday parties are ridiculous. You've got to throw your kids a party in the fear that they will feel left out if they are the only loser child not getting a party. Plus you kind of feel the need to torture the other parents who've also thrown parties in the coinciding year. By torture I mean the joys of chasing your child around someone elses house full of breakables- picking up the pieces of food that find its way lodged into the carpet.

I honestly wish every time any parent had to throw a birthday party that it would be adults only. A time to celebrate making it through another year of raising that unruly child. When hosting a party you never really get to enjoy each others company because your kid demands your undivided attention 24/7. At least you always know a party that starts by 4:30 in the afternoon can't last too long. Because about an hour into it most if not all the kids are having breakdowns.

I invitied my single, childless friend from work and I honestly kept thinking to myself, " I wonder if she is thanking God that she can just be the spectator and enjoy the show"- because that is what it typically ends up being.

Not to put a negative spotlight on the party last night. I thought it was a smashing success. A least I will remember it- until next year when I have to do it all over again- except a different theme. And by the way it was my poor husbands birthday as well. Hope he likes Spiderman. Got him a spandex suit for later.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Post- Baby Body Nightmare

Alright people here it is- the topic every mommy blog talks about- your bod post-pregnancy.

I used to consider myself very healthy, don't smoke, don't really drink, workout often, eat alot of salad. All of these things combined culminated into my pre-pregnancy self. After I had Finley I easily got back to my fairly good looking while naked bod. After Cooper it has been a different story entirely.

I don't know how to pinpoint it really. Maybe I'm just too tired to really try. Now I'm not trying to compare myself to anyone but my old self. I know I look ok on the outside ( did I just give myself a compliment?) Well I think I look pretty good after having 2 kids in 3 years- but underneath the clothes (black sweat pants, Ryan's t) it doesn't look so good. I do not like wearing jeans anymore because I don't like the feeling of my large ass busting at the seams- my hips have stretched to the max and I'm guessing they have no intention of returning to normal in this life time.

Pregnancy and Child-Birth changes you. My perfectly perky 34B's are no way the same boobs they used to be- They are A-....I never even thought I cared about my ladies until they weren't there anymore. Do any of you feel my pain? Do I hear an Amen??

I just dont have the discipline anymore to eat air popped popcorn, spinach salad, and lots of fiber. I rather eat SmartFood popcorn- Have you tried this ?? It is amazing and everytime I go to the grocery store I leave with a bag and eat the whole thing within a few hours. Should I be bragging about this?? I think not.

It doesn't help when your husband is hott. He likes to workout and has large muscular shoulders and a small waist - he even has those muscle lines that go into his pants ( don't know what these are called) am I being too graphic? I apologize. But when you've got a husband that looks like that- let's just say its hard to be fat.

Now I'm going to go eat the rest of the bag of popcorn.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Electronic Obsession

I'll admit it. I am slightly obsessed with my iphone. I check my email, texts, and internet on an hourly basis- alright I'll be honest maybe every 10 minutes. And tonight while chasing the crazies around a hotel lobby and trying to catch up with a long lost friend my nice glass of red wine fell from the sroller cup holder on my phone. I am heartbroken- I may have even shed a tear or two.

That phone is my connection to the outside world. How in the heck did people communicate before they had everything at the touch of their handheld? Maybe they were too busy farming and having children like clockwork.

Well hopefully tomorrow when I wake up my phone will raise from the dead- (I even tried a blowdryer to dry the thing out ) Send up some prayers for my phone and if you need to get ahold me of me- well sorry I'm out of service.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Car Rides with the Crazies.

I rarely leave the confines of our little duplex. But once in a long while I have to make the trek down to Denver to purchase the essentials ( in my case it was birthday party crap). So along with my 2 crazies who don't enjoy sitting in their luxury car seats for more than 15 mins, I also had to bring along all of their baby/toddler junk- including stroller, playpack, bottle, kid snacks, water, blanket, extra clothes, pj's, toys....everything. Thank the Lord I now have a large SUV to pack full of this stuff.

Anyways not only did neither of my kids fall asleep during the 2 1/2 hour long drive- my little midget (aka Cooper) pretty much cried for about 2 hours. This was not a great start to my trip. I was mentally prepared for anything though. Before I left I said a little prayer that no matter how much crying there would be I would A) put in my earphones or B) turn the music up very loud before loosing it.

Just to make a long story short let's just say traveling anywhere with kids is almost impossible and sometimes I ask myself is this even worth it. The answer is no it probably isn't worth it and now I feel like I ran a half marathon .

The way home was even more fun for everyone. It took us 3 1/2 long hours in stop and go traffic- probably not the smartest decision to go home at 5 pm on a Friday on President's Day weekend. I will take the blame for that one.

Ugh. I'm tired. Stay tuned later for my long winded post after post- bod after baby.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

stay at home mom will work for free.

No offense to any of you working mamas-(just thought I would come out and say that upfront) but in my case staying at home with my boys has been one of the hardest things of my life. I wouldn't classify myself as patient, affectionate or calm and these three things would come in handy right about now.

I have chosen to stay at home for the time being (if you don't count the 2 part time jobs I have and babysitting I do 2 times a week out of my house). And let me tell you not a day goes by where I wish that going back to work would actually be worth it. Maybe if I made more money, maybe if it was the coolest job ever, maybe if I wouldn't feel guilty about missing these years. And let me tell you most days I wish I could miss these years. I often scower the classified ads in hope that maybe the perfect job is out there and we could just figure out the childcare situation etc.

These years have been very hard and not as rewarding as I thought before I had these little buggers. They have most if not all of my bad qualities and little of my good. My good one includes love of sleep which both fight on a daily basis and one( I will not mention names, ok the short chubby one) refuses naps altogether. My kids both have attitude . BIG attitude problems and I know this charateristic is mine alone. Their father is the more patient, calm one who is usually telling me to be more patient in life.

Anyways back to staying at home. It is hard. I feel like I do the same things day in and day out. Any of you SAHM ' s feeling this way? Where is the excitement? And the thing is I have chosen this life and Ryan and I have decided this is what is best for the time being. But believe you me- when my little buggers go back to school - I am going back to the working world. Props to all the mommies out there- kidless people have it easy.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I did my hair.

As I got older ( like I'm so old at a ripe age of 25) - I did my hair less frequently. During college I was too busy with nursing school and homework ( little good that did me) . My hair just kept falling in my list of priorities. When I met Ryan I religiously did my hair everyday- I mean common you've got to impresses and dazzle to catch them, right?

This leads to the other night when I asked my dear husband what length he liked my hair, his response, " The length that you do it." Wow. That is sad- he doesnt expects much but maybe once in a while I could slip out of my black sweat pants that I love so much ( so much in fact that I'm wearing them as I type this). I usually wear these with a matching long tshirt of my husbands. The same shirts that I repeatedly wore while breastfeeding and have lovely dried stains to match.

Ok. Ok. So maybe it has been a little too long to drag on the I'm just to tired and busy to get myself together. So today I'm vowing to try (not promise) to do my hair and wear it down 2 times a week. Hold me to it people. If I can do that I can do anything! I have also posted a picture of what it actually looks like worn down- weird right? Headband courtesy of sasablue on etsy.

Just so you all know - last night Ryan and I went out for dinner without the kiddos- which is always a weird thing to actually eat and talk to one another. I did my hair and wore makeup and put on a dress. I should get an award.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sickness & Seclusion

I hate winter. Not only do I dislike the negative temperatures but I dislike the broad range of sicknesses that it brings with it. Seriously. I know each front desk person/nurse and Dr. by first name. We are all pals. Shannon- Dr. Engles nurse is a true jem- we know each others current stresses etc- isn't this sad? I know she works Tues/Thurs and she knows what is going on with my family.

Hilarious. Every week ( not kidding) there is a new bout of sickness lurking around my house. What am I supposed to do? Not take my kids anywhere in the chance they may get sick? I already live in seclusion in the "Vail Valley". It may be beautiful and all people but this place doesnt have a Target or Chipotle. Now you can agree.

Sometimes I even wish that I could be the one sick so everyone could take care of me. That is completely disturbing. I wish sickness upon myself in the small chance that I could lay in bed and sleep ( even if I have a fever and am vomitting).

Let's all pray that Spring arrives quickly and the sickness leaves soon. Or else.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Is starting a blog a good idea?

I love blogs- other peoples blogs. My own makes me a little nervous. Some times when reading other mommy blogs- I wonder to myself, " How is your life so perfect?" Well Im guessing it isn't and they are just sparing all of us readers from the gory details of imperfect mommyhood.

Well people- I 'm not doing this. I want to start a blog chronicling my life- the good the bad and the disturbing. Maybe just for me to be able to look at one day and remember what was happening in 2011.

Let's start with today for instance ( warning- negativity in the near future)

Valentines Day- a holiday filled with hearts, candy and sex. My Valentines Day started off with screaming kids- poopy diapers and a busy husband running out the door to go to #1 of his #2 jobs of the day. I luckily ran out last night and got the kids some cards (which remained unwritten in- it's the thought that counts right?) -I even had the idea of cutting out cute paper hearts and sticking them to the windows and doors ( this actually did happen but not until 11am today) . So my day continued - today not only did I have my medicated children ( one teething and one post-surgery) I also had a 9 week old who decided sleeping was not in the cards for today. Longest day of my life. Don't worry I will probably say that in a few days.

As the day was winding down I made homemade black bean soup for the kids- which neither liked or ate and accidently poured it all over my kitchen floor. Then I thought it would be a good idea to make Finley's class treat- homemade rasperry tarts. What was I thinking? Weelicious is an awesome website that I'm obsessed with but these tarts took me 2-3 hours to do- while juggling dinner and bedtime.

So the kids are finally down. And my blood pressure is starting to drop. And guess what? My husband is still at work! Boy did he miss a great one :) No sex for anyone tonight. Happy Valentines Day to all and hopefully your Valentines Day was as good as mine or maybe even better ?