Just trying to make it through the day alive.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Car Rides with the Crazies.

I rarely leave the confines of our little duplex. But once in a long while I have to make the trek down to Denver to purchase the essentials ( in my case it was birthday party crap). So along with my 2 crazies who don't enjoy sitting in their luxury car seats for more than 15 mins, I also had to bring along all of their baby/toddler junk- including stroller, playpack, bottle, kid snacks, water, blanket, extra clothes, pj's, toys....everything. Thank the Lord I now have a large SUV to pack full of this stuff.

Anyways not only did neither of my kids fall asleep during the 2 1/2 hour long drive- my little midget (aka Cooper) pretty much cried for about 2 hours. This was not a great start to my trip. I was mentally prepared for anything though. Before I left I said a little prayer that no matter how much crying there would be I would A) put in my earphones or B) turn the music up very loud before loosing it.

Just to make a long story short let's just say traveling anywhere with kids is almost impossible and sometimes I ask myself is this even worth it. The answer is no it probably isn't worth it and now I feel like I ran a half marathon .

The way home was even more fun for everyone. It took us 3 1/2 long hours in stop and go traffic- probably not the smartest decision to go home at 5 pm on a Friday on President's Day weekend. I will take the blame for that one.

Ugh. I'm tired. Stay tuned later for my long winded post after post- bod after baby.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it nice to blog? I would have loved some action shots of the kids screaming in their seats....would have made the experience more fun for all of us. =) love love.
