Just trying to make it through the day alive.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Give me a Break.

Are there days, weeks, months, years that you don't get a break from being mommy? And a break means hours away from anyone in your family including your loving husband. Sometimes you just need a break and to be with your gal-pals. I was fortunate enough to get an opportunity such as this...and

It was awesome.

Awesome. It was such a pleasant distraction from the norm of my black sweatpants and bra less self. (Which reminds me that I have to get back on the horse and try to do my hair at least 2x a week)..I've been lacking in the looking like a person category. My poor hott husband. Anyways- so last night I did my hair and then proceeded to rip all of my folded clothes off my closet shelves to find something not stained or smelly to wear- this equals a huge pile of clean clothes on the floor which will probably be sitting there for the next few weeks. ugh.

So I got all normal person like and left my house, my kids and my husband for my night on the town. Me and my two friends who we will call City Girl and County Girl- and me Middle Girl? It was so nice to just SIT and not be interrupted mid conversation from screaming gremlins. Also we went to one of my favorite restaurants in the "valley"- DISH...so good. Anyways I can't say enough how important it is for any mommy to get out and have a girls night - even if it rarely happens- we need to stand strong in our convictions that mommies need a break. I needed a break..and I feel so much better about my life. I feel like I came home last night after talking to my two awesome friends for over 5 hours of interrupted bliss so refreshed.

Not gonna lie a little hung over but so worth it.

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